We love the feedback we get from our clients
“We reviewed our strategy, redefined our view of success and detailed our priorities. Everyone had a clear picture of where we were heading and were committed to deliver”
“We conducted an analysis of our structure and realised that there were gaps in work. Strengthening our structure was critical to delivering our strategy and removing tension that had been building”
General Manager
“Focusing on delivering fewer objectives made improvement easier. Setting quarterly challenges lifted momentum and providing skills just-in-time build staff confidence”
HR Manager
“A huge cultural shift took place within the organisation. Goals were aligned, improvement processes were provided and skills were developed. Everyone felt they were contributing to the improvement effort”
Supply Chain Manager
“After two months the team started generating a consistent stream of ideas for improvement. Operational Excellence brought consistency to our processes that made it easier for everyone and easier to manage. We have started asking questions about our processes that we have never thought of before”
Production Manager
“The power of the FAST process is that it is repeatable and becomes the way in which things get done. Momentum builds through quarterly challenges, delivering on our promises and providing enabling skills”
Staff Member
“Work has been made easier. We know what the focus is and our expected contribution. We are encouraged to actively participate in team meetings and have been given the skills to improve. We are now listened to and our ideas are taken more seriously. Positive recognition is given for good results and we feel more valued”
Manufacturing Manager
“We have always had systems and procedures in place to support our manufacturing processes, however with the implementation of Operational Excellence into our operations, these systems have been formally recognised by staff. By using the tools we have been able to identify areas that could be improved and demonstrated to staff the advantages of implementing them”
Assistant Manufacturing Manager
“Since we have started this journey we have seen a significant shift in how we behave. We now have a belief that we can do better. We have lifted the bar and realised improvement is easy when everyone follows the same approach”
Team Leader
“After being in this business for 16 years, I know that everyone wants to help solve problems. We have learnt to solve problems collectively, something we never had formal training in. We now communicate very differently to two years ago. This is a major change and everyone is happier at work. Our staff members are multi-cultural and implementing team skills has leveled the playing field because it gives us focus and a method to respectfully work together”
Team Member
“Previously we constantly interrupted by urgent jobs that needed to be done. This made work very disruptive and stressful. By using the sprint concept we know what we need to deliver. We are able to plan and organise our workday. Interruptions are reducing and the workplace is less frantic. Everyone is far happier and productive.”
HR Manager
“It involves a completely new thought pattern and requires real accuracy in behavioural management. These are captured in our standard operating procedures and sound performance management. Operational Excellence is helping us capture the behaviours we will add in to develop a complete performance management system and give everyone a development pathway. It has improved the business focus for everyone, irrespective who they are”
Project Leader
“Life is usually pretty hectic. Helmsman requires you to think about what you are going to do and then assists in implementing projects in an organised way. It ensures that you focus on implementing one project at a time and meetings run smoothly. Team members are motivated to deliver their actions as they are accountable and get feedback on how they are doing.”
Section Manager
“We were very good at getting projects started. The problem was that they never got completed and the list of unfinished projects kept growing. The result was constant fire-fighting. We now think further ahead, ensure everyone is accountable and continually monitor how things are going. Instead of driving results, we now drive project performance, which is a far better way of motivating staff and delivering improvement.”
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