Deliver performance improvement goals, faster!
There are many benefits associated with delivering important goals faster – Value increases, agility improves, fewer resources are needed, morale lifts, customer demands met etc. Currently, the urgent is taking priority over the important. What’s important is not...
The FAST system: Building a high-performing culture 🚀
The FAST system: Building a high-performing culture 🚀 FAST is a performance improvement system that lifts business results faster and builds a...
The FAST System: Lift results faster, with confidence
The FAST System: Lift results faster, with confidence Why we developed FAST? We conceived FAST as the next step in our journey, driven by the shortcomings of Lean as an improvement strategy and the rise of Agile as a solution for navigating business complexity....
Fast projects
Management's accountability is to lift annual performance by implementing fast projects that deliver process improvement and or innovation. Typically 4 - 6 projects are identified each year and they have the potential to transform results. These projects are delivered...
Lift annual results, fast
The current business challenge is: Lift annual performance in a work environment that requires agility and speed. Lifting performance simply means all key performance indicators must be trending in "green". The key to success is establishing a Fast process....
Closing the strategy/execution gap: creating high performing teams
© Stuart Miles | A recent article by Nathan Wiita identified the following differences between successful and less successful teams (HBR Nov 2017). Successful teams spent: 20% more time defining their strategy 12% more time aligning their organisation...
Find and use your talent well!
© Stuart Miles | What percentage of people in organisations do you think are under-utilised? Whilst you may not know the exact percentage, you probably sense the number is quite high. Optimising capability Capability is optimised when the level of...
Strategy failure – inadequate resourcing
A survey by Michael Mankins identified the following breakdown of key problem areas related to strategy failure: Inadequate resourcing 7.5%; Poorly communicated strategy 5.2%; Actions required to execute not clearly defined 4.5%; Culture or silos blocking execution...
It’s hard to believe!
Earlier this year, the London Business School reported 70% (!) of strategy fails to deliver and the trend has been constant over the past 25 years! It’s hard to believe that an opportunity of this magnitude has not been seized. Surely, execution of strategy cannot be...
I don’t have time!
A common response to any proposed change at work! This is a major issue that impacts significantly on productivity improvement initiatives. This is usually due to day-to-day work pressures, constant deadlines and organisational pressure. The consequence of not...